
  1. ludiCrosS

    Important Steam Validation Rejected Error (Windows 10 & 11)

    We need a fix for this really annoying problem that keeps us away from joining into a match and showing the same advice over and over again, please fix, thank u. Please CS:GO Warzone admins, this problem persists since last year, you guys should solve it once and for all, surely almost everyone...
  2. EXT

    Help Failed to connect with local steam

    so yesterday when i went to play cs warzone it said to update, after that when i tried to open the game it gave an error, i already uninstalled and reinstalled nothing, i tried the torrent version the online version setup version and nothing, i already saw 2 threads of it error nobody else...
  3. SXVGXY_

    Help Can't connect to any servers

    Hello , I downloaded CSGO Warzone i while ago , and i'm getting an console error : SDR RelayNetworkStatus: avail=Retrying config=Retrying anyrelay=Dependency unavailable (Attempt #71 to fetch config from Cert...
  4. Help STEAM Verification Rejected | HELP!!!

    Despite downloading, updating, and verifying CSGO WaRzOnE through the CSGO Launcher, and launching the game, I then select to play against bots and/or community servers and I see the map loading screen. The moment the game completely loads and is ready to start up, I get kicked back to the CSGO...
  5. Help How to fix this error???? (Screenshot)