Lag Spikes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paja Assassin
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Paja Assassin

This is not warzone related, but i was hoping that u guys could help me.

I got me a new wi-fi router, before that i was using the ethernet cable(without any problems).
Now im getting kinda random lag spikes. I know that it is caused by my new wi-fi internet, many ppl had the same problem.
And no, no choke, no loss, speed same as before, ping normal, fps standard.
My question is, is there any way to fix this problem without connecting the ethernet cable again?(i moved it to the other room)

I cant seem to find a solution, funny thing is sometimes it doesnt lag at all, sometimes its unbearable.(I keep all electronics using wi-fi shut, while playing)

Edit: Ppl are reporting frequent package loss, while in-game, it says 0%.
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Ako si na SBB-u znas da ruter njihov ima UniFi.. pa kada se nakace svi (ne vuku tvoj net, al modem radi) mozda zato..drugo WiFi nikad ne moze da bude 100% stabilan zato sam i ja razvukao kabl od 12m od rutera jer preko WiFi-a nema sanse.. tj. kada znam da moze bolje onda jbg. Sve u svemu..kabl ti ne aj vidimo sta ce neko drugi da kaze
any other wifis around you? neighbours ?how many others wifi your computer sees?
Ako si na SBB-u znas da ruter njihov ima UniFi.. pa kada se nakace svi (ne vuku tvoj net, al modem radi) mozda zato..drugo WiFi nikad ne moze da bude 100% stabilan zato sam i ja razvukao kabl od 12m od rutera jer preko WiFi-a nema sanse.. tj. kada znam da moze bolje onda jbg. Sve u svemu..kabl ti ne aj vidimo sta ce neko drugi da kaze

Imam SBB. Mada ne kace se ovde bog zna sta nesto na wi-fi. A imam i onaj D3, a on mora da bude kod TV-a, a TV na suprotnom kraju kuce od kompa. A i bezicni tu mora da bude povezan...
Lakse mnogo ako mi ruter tamo stoji. A i de kevi da objasnim da sve mi to pomeramo zbog "igrice"... Valjda neko ima nesto, ako ne da popravim onda bar da ublazim. Nekad svarno ne moze da se igra.
Sounds like rubberbanding. Worst fucking latency lag you can have.

I fixed this problem on my end by downgrading my LAN driver by a bit.
E pa to je fora...znam..ja sam u velikom stanu..tri sobe..tri televizora.. i mrzi me sada da premestan ruter itd kod razvukao kabl. Mislim nije neki posao al ko ga jebe :) Isto imam d3...pretpostavio sam da je tako nesto. Jedino sto mozes je onim kabl iz njega u komp...sto radi preko i to je trosak bzvz..
Sounds like rubberbanding. Worst fucking latency lag you can have.

I fixed this problem on my end by downgrading my LAN driver by a bit.

Yep. Annoying as fuck. Gonna try that out later.
E pa to je fora...znam..ja sam u velikom stanu..tri sobe..tri televizora.. i mrzi me sada da premestan ruter itd kod razvukao kabl. Mislim nije neki posao al ko ga jebe :) Isto imam d3...pretpostavio sam da je tako nesto. Jedino sto mozes je onim kabl iz njega u komp...sto radi preko i to je trosak bzvz..

Ma i nije zbog posla. Nego keva kaze kabl preko cele kuce, pa ruzno izgleda, pa aj kao ovo da uzmemo. Pa sad da vracamo to samo da meni ne laguje... Teska posla.
i am almost sure that interference for wifi will understand what is about.just find the right channel for your router,and then should be ok.
Resolution is to buy better wifi router that can handle all that. i have asus RT-AC66U with merlin firmware that can handle almost everything... So if u need to make less lag/loss/choke u have 2 solutions.

1) take cable
2) disable that wifi on your firm router (they are in 90% bad beacuse they have wery outdated firmwares and they are not optimised for any wifi game) and get new wifi router that is better (from 50e up to 500e are better routers). Game routers are about 200e and up for serious gaming.
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