Dekii and Joker *basiclly kids*

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Server: Classic Premium
My ingame Nick: ///AMG *sometimes GHOST*
Admins ingame Nicks: Dekii and Joker *two of them*
Evidence: (admin salty.dem)
What really happened: so i was typing to one of my friends bc he didnt die even tho i shot him many many times and the admins muted me for 30 mins and i was like wtf ok whatever...and then we switched to de_nuke and i asked the admins 3 times why did they gag me and they kept ignoring me then they say they dont care and i reply to them and they extend my mute for being "unrespectufll" lol they dont even know english properly and this speaks for itself please remove these dudes from admins i also saw joker slapping and slaying people for no reason
*DISCLAIMER* watch the demo in slow mo while im scrolling thru the messages
They also said "we dont care" wich means they dont take the admin job seriously and are playing with it like it's a toy...unprofessionalism is what I'd prefer calling It...
This is a pretty serious issue. SgtPopsicles or Artinovich should be notified immediately.
Ghost you reported it and we will monitor it and make final decision..stop spamming did your job ..we will do ours..
Jel ovo neka sala GHOST?
This is a pretty serious issue. SgtPopsicles or Artinovich should be notified immediately.
did you even watch that demo?watch it then talk about admins did job very well..ghost spammed admin chat..they just answered"you can record you can report us but pls dont spamm" and thats it...nothing more on video...nothing wrong on this demo
GHOST prekini s ovim pisanjima ako nemas valjanih dokaza a tvom demou nema nista neregularno ..stavise admini su te uputili gde mozes da se zalis na njihov rad potpuno pristojno i rekla samo da prestanes da spamm-as admin chat ...i to je to bukvalno..zasto si dobio gag je druga stvar ..sigurno nisi dzabe...zakljucak svega ovoga je da na tvom video zapisu kao dokaz nema nista sto kompromituje admine..stavise samo im daje pozitivnu ocenu... DOK NEMAS NEKI VALJANI DOKAZ A OVAJ DEMO JE SMESAN...NEMOJ DA UOPSTE OTVARAS TEMU ZA RAZGOVOR...postoje pravila za igrace i admina i svaki igrac odnosno admin bice sankcionisan shodno tim pravilima..nema izuzetaka ali najbitnije je dokaz ..ti ga nemas kraj price...zatvaram temu...
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