- In Game Nick: GHOST (my ingame name)
- Steam ID: (Steam Community :: ™ (music))
- Server you was playing on: classic
- Admin in question: It was this guy from France and he has a girl eating a banana as his profile pic idk what his name is
- Time and date of offense: 2/1/2019
- Evidence: (SCREENSHOTS) He muted a guy called "duskshia" or smth like that for no reason...and than as i came into the server that same guy was complaining how he got perma mute for no reason...and we were loosing and and the french guy was raging hard...and than i told him "relax my dude it's casual we all come here to warmup anyways" and than BOOOOM I GET 30 MINUTE GAG FOR NO REASON!
- So i say to him "Unmute me and all other players u muted for no reason or i will make admin abuse complaint" and i got kicked after i wrote that...An admin is supposed to stay calm at all situations but no...let's just perma mute for no reason because im an absolute jackass...oh yeah if im salty i will kick this guy too for no reason...sarc