Help Help with Revemu inventory creator


New Here
Hey im new to this community and i wanna ask if i can change a pattern of skin in Revemu inventory creator? For example pattern of case hardened.
Please remember to go to the more tab, click read old inventory, and open CSGO Warzone\platform\items_730.bin before you do this otherwise it will not add to your inventory and it will be reset to default. If you want to add a new skin with a custom pattern just change the number in the pattern section from -1 to whatever .
If you want to change the pattern for gloves or for a skin you already added go to the inventory tab and scroll down to find the skin or gloves you want to change the pattern for. Once found click once on the name of the skin and on the bottom their should be a button called edit.
Click edit and a new window should pop up called "edit existing" in the attributes section their should be alot of numbers such as 6=*** or 114=*** , to change the pattern id click on the number 7=*** . Once clicke, underneath the attributes tab should bethe numbers 7=*** in this case 7=938 (I have changed the 938 to 661)
Change the 7= number to whatever pattern id you want and once done click on the add button. Now it should be added to the bottom of the attributes page . Almost there last thing to do is click back on the original 7= number in this case 7=938 and click remove. Now hit save or press enter and go back to the 'main' tab and click save with revemu.
Launch the game and it shold be changed, to change gloves do the same thing change 7= to whatever and delete original 7=