Hi Playing Against bots at 1am and banned?

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In-Game nick: :) (Josh)
Warzone-Stats link: Cant find it
Reason for the ban: Multihack
Admin who banned you: G.I.G.R.
Additional information you want to give: Hi im guessing u banned me because i took the bot t spawn heard that there was another bot middle so i held the angle killed him mean while i was holding the spot i could hear the final counter-terriost spamming his negev t spawn there for if i killed the guy that i was waiting for at middle i knew the last guy was at t spawn? do u not have a headset G.i.G.R? i have never cheated i got refered here by a player called "Roy" he has said that he has been banned multiple times and unbanned cause of ur admins i dont cheat -.- what ever happend to the classic server aswell?
What's wrong in being banned at 1 a.m? Unless you mean you weren't expecting (or wanting) an admin to show up that late? (yeah we are full of surprises at warzone) + a legit player won't bother mentioning this point, actually he would welcome it.

You were banned for trigger/aimbot and aimlock you use intermittently.
Demo link: https://secure.link/QuPJSs3Z (Secure.link by Windscribe)

@ 00:21 Couldn't you be more obvious with that shot?
@ 00:37 Whenever you see an enemy you just start shooting into nothing then let the head shots magic work.
@ 00:30 Again, shoot way off and let the bullets go to the head, here your fourth bullet was the magic one on the first CT @ Long.
@ 00:42 Badaboom, isn't that trigger bot sweet! The guy is dead even before aiming on him :)
@ 00:51 Your crosshair unnaturally jumps left to the second far and barely visible CT while you were aiming on the Negev guy on the right! Your bot guided you & were expecting you to shoot but you came back right to continue shooting on the Negev guy since he's the only one you saw.
@ 01:00 You kill the Negev guy on T-spawn and immediately lock on a far CT in A behind the walls, after finishing CT's in T-spawn you went back to that guy coming from short/middle and waited for him @ 01:23 ... you couldn't hear him coming in any way as you claim, he was too far away when you started crawling for him!
You were under watch since few days prior (while under nickname 'Josh') but you kept pushing your luck. Greetings to Roy!
ban stays
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