Question Offline LAN Multiplayer Question


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Hi there and good day to all, using CS GO WaRzOnE, is it possible to use the Multiplayer Offline LAN with Bot feature using the "connect XXX.XXX.X.X" command? Thanks.
Hi brother. One question, have you been able to play on LAN? if this is how you did it because I want to play and I don't know how. With sv_lan and connect it doesn't work for me :(
^ i am not using Warzone edition for now so i am not familiar with the new commands and tips on how to join MULTIPLAYER LAN.I am still using an old version of CS GO which we can easily connect 10 players on LAN even without the need of internet by simply using the "connect 192.168.x.x" command to join the LAN host directly.
sv_lan 1
Ok i've done some research and found an interesting tutorial on how to maybe set us up in Multiplayer LAN properly using WaRzOnE edition.

1st one is to watch on how to properly setup the "steamcmd" which can be also found in here:

with the additional and more detailed information here:

And now here is my Theory:

So basically we have to setup the "steamcmd" files first and then IF I AM CORRECT (Correct me if im wrong please),we can safely skip the part wherein we will install and validate CS GO files since we already installed CS GO WaRzOnE edition.

Now,since our original concern is to create an OFFLINE MULTIPLAYER LAN,we may assume that andar's explanation in this post is still working:

If i have time i will personally test it.For now it is still a theory.Goodluck.[/MEDIA]