Important Steam CS:GO #3


★ Owl ★
Server Head Admin
[SRB] Server Admin
Verified Member
Post what u want to see in our servers in the future here :)
!challenge in arena servers, more pug servers, or at least a queue that you can go in to get into a pug server
more servers multi country servers [ i know that cost a lot but try maybe domain on middle of eu ]
hns or kz server
highter rate of servers
Maybe a bomb wire plugin, when a t plants, he gets a popup saying to choose a colour wire, when the ct comes and the picks the right colour, the bomb insta-defuses. (Add on public servers)
A bunch of suggestions that would make me play public servers more:

Custom round ending music
when round ends

Maybe store credits, so ppl can buy trails, nametag colours, credit purchases from in-game, etc

Ability to change to different languages - you could give admins the .cfg files to the servers, and they modify the text to the language they want to translate to

sv_gravity 800 when the round ends

Maybe an another server with auto-bhop?

But please, for the love of god, dont restrict how many awps the team can buy, the autos, shotguns, etc
Maybe a bomb wire plugin, when a t plants, he gets a popup saying to choose a colour wire, when the ct comes and the picks the right colour, the bomb insta-defuses. (Add on public servers)

This is already a feature

I'd like to see a mini-games server :)
Maybe store credits, so ppl can buy trails, nametag colours, credit purchases from in-game, etc

Do you realize how laggy that would be for potato pc players and the servers? and in general how annoying it is to see like 30 players using trails colors in the same time? i have been to these kind of servers but with low players and it would still be laggy, trust me theres gonna be alot of players complaining... honestly just go to Surf server for that theres trails there

Maybe an another server with auto-bhop?

That wouldn't make sense and its such a waste to create a server for that, there could be alot of other ideas to make for a server but making a server just for "auto bhops"? , once again go to Surf server