Giveaway for Steam Players in ALL ★OaO★ Servers


★ Owl ★
Server Head Admin
[SRB] Server Admin
Verified Member
Last Giveaway was a CSGO steam for a non-steam player , after some requests we decided to make a skin giveaway for a steam player

Our main goal is to convert as much as we can non-steam players to steam players , i hope steam players will understand our goals and help to make this community better

this giveaway will be AK-47 | Redline FT with Stickers: Astralis | Atlanta 2017, Kjaerbye (Foil) | Atlanta 2017, Astralis | Atlanta 2017, Astralis | Atlanta 2017

Since its a small giveaway there is no tasks !!

all you have to do to join this giveaway is to comment your SteamID and Name in game and what do u want to see improvments in the servers

the winner will be picked randomly and contacted by me

upcoming giveaways will be more valuable but will require tasks to do ... keep following up the forum for updates

the winner name will be announced at 27 / 01 / 2018

this giveaway is sponsored by MaMac
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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54772495
Name: `FactoR-Ҳ
Improvements: New different type servers like - DeathMatch, DeathRun, Surf and etc..
Maybe tick rates like in Arena, cuz when i played there for 30 minutes to 1 hour, later i join in dust 2 only and i feel like i laggin as fuck (No internet, maybe fps), it feels different..
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:16705306
Name: Horcrux
Suggestion: Maybe add a vote before map change to let players decide whether it will be normal or deathmatch mode on the next map - though I recognise it might be technically difficult to do so. Sometimes the game takes too long when there are few players in the server.
3.back to 32 slots and 64 tick people are compalaining alot, and add more maps on premium.
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2. - VaLe - / :3
3. Just remove dust 2 from server and add a version with low fps cuz that map is reallty bad to play with more than 34 players or just go back to 32 slot, and i reallty liek the idea with surf servers and all that but to make a server is hard so i dont think its goona be but i have high hops for that.
Just think of another suggestion:
Can we add an introductory message when players join the server so that they are at least aware:
1. They will be slayed if the objective hasn't been completed for the round.
2. They can contact admins online via putting a @ prefix on team say.
3_for me all good ,gl.

Artiiiinoviiichhhhhhh are you readyyyy <3 lol ;)
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:67907969
In-Game: Ackee™
Improvements: Slightly better admins, but everything else is ok. :D
All this suggestions and opinions will be discussed , if u have any more friends to join this giveaway Please Invite ..
Giveaway moved to this section
1: STEAM_0:0:93832710
2: Kime
3: Great players on server and chill time we have there :thumbup::tongue-new: Now I have better PC, so fps isn't big problem for me, but there's a lot of players which have frame drops. My point of view is like this:
- We have public, clasic, dust2, dust 2 premium and now arena 128tick. That's ok.
- For me, it's better to make OaO PREMIUM (dust2 classic, winter, night, 2006 accy (and mirage, inferno (maybe fps drop problem, but maybe), cache, overpass, train and cobble (or put this maps on one server, only that maps)). That same nosteam players will buy cs one day and start playing maps... they don't know. But with friends on server, they can get in touch with mostly common competitve maps and become better players. Or to stay on these regular dust maps, but higher tick rate, since 51,2 isn't good for aiming, but lower tick rate=more slots, probably, everything has it's point. Bigger tick rate with these slots, probably more expensive, but it sounds nice. Money isn't growing on tree for owner, so we also need to understand, or participate on some way (like that link in upper left corner). Not to mention some other servers with 128 tickrate, but we need to be better than others.
- We need one DM server.
- Fix bug when buying with mouse.
- That new ranks on server can and can't be there, irelevant for me.
- Vote for changing maps on OaO, skins on server, thumbs up!
- Maybe one or twoo admins more, but really active admins, we have few passive. :D
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SteamID: STEAM_0:0:1050062
Name in game: mirtaN
what do u want to see improvments in the servers: I request more experienced admins. Once they see a better player, they usually call him cheater and get him banned.
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:1050062
Name in game: mirtaN
what do u want to see improvments in the servers: I request more experienced admins. Once they see a better player, they usually call him cheater and get him banned.
Giveaway is closed , u can participate in the next one , but thanks for your feedback.